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The Glenturret Achieves Green Tourism Gold Award

The Glenturret Achieves Green Tourism Gold Award

Since 2023, we have been supported in our sustainability practices and in our improvement journey by the world-leading sustainability accreditation partner - Green Tourism. Achieving a Green Tourism Award means that our sustainability practices have been assessed and verified by a credible partner.

It shows that we have an ongoing commitment to:

• Sustainability Standards and Practices

• Work Responsibly, Ethically, and Sustainably

• Contribute to our Community

• Reduce our Impact on the Environment

• (be) Accessible and Inclusive to all Visitors and Staff.

Green Tourism have assessed our business against 15 sustainability criteria grouped under the pillars of People, Places and Planet. These consider the social, economic, and environmental actions we undertake, providing a holistic assessment of our sustainability performance.

In September 2023, The Glenturret was awarded a Gold Green Tourism Award in recognition of the distillery’s ongoing commitment to its sustainable practices. During the assessment we were highly commended on our performance in several areas of the report, which included our approach to supporting community, health and wellbeing, sustainable awareness, food and drink and promoting and protecting our heritage.

As we enter a new year, the distillery’s Environmental Ambassadors (otherwise known as our ‘Green Team’) are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the distillery and to continue their efforts to maintain the highest standards as a Green Tourist Attraction.

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the aberturret estate house

Exclusive Hire

Now available as a private hideaway for up to 12 guests, or exclusively to Glenturret Lalique Restaurant Guests for a gastronomic overnight stay experience.