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Meet Our Sustainability Officer Lucy Armstrong

Meet Our Sustainability Officer Lucy Armstrong

Lucy has been a part of The Glenturret family for over 18 years. Lucy first joined The Glenturret (formerly The Famous Grouse Experience) in 2006 as a tour guide during her studies at Dundee University. Since then she has taken on various roles across the business including Global Brand Ambassador, Development Manager and today is our award-winning Project Manager and Sustainability Officer.

 Join us for a sit-down chat with Lucy...

If we start at the beginning of your career, where did it all start? Did you ever imagine you would be where you are now?

"I originally began working at the distillery as a tour guide whilst studying Animation at Dundee University. I had always intended my student role to be temporary however I found that I enjoyed the whisky industry so much that I chose to stay. I’ve been very fortunate to have worked in various roles across the distillery. When the opportunity came up to look after the distillery’s Net Zero project, I thought this would be a very interesting and rewarding part of the business to contribute to."


What are your key achievements in your role so far?

"Developing our sustainability strategy and providing clear focus areas for the business has been integral to the improvements that we have made thus far. I have worked closely with our carbon accountant to map out our emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 backdated to 2020 the first full year of production under our current ownership. I have also been incredibly proud to lead the team to recently achieve a Green Tourism Gold Award and Positive Luxury Butterfly Mark certification. These accreditations are the culmination of months of hard work and commitment to continual improvement across our ESG."  


You were recently awarded Whisky Magazines Scottish Sustainability Officer of the Year, how does it feel?

"I was truly humbled to be recognised for my work in sustainability at the Scottish Whisky Magazine awards, particularly as I know there are many individuals making a tremendous effort in this field. To meet the criteria required for this award, I had to demonstrate my achievements in sustainability across a 12-month period and the resulting benefits to the distillery’s Net Zero targets. It has been staggering what we have been able to achieve in such a short space of time and I intend to keep the momentum going for the coming months ahead."


International Women's Day


What advice would you give to someone starting their sustainability officer career?

"I’ve found that sustainability is such a vast topic to cover in any business and it can be at times overwhelming to know where to begin. For anyone starting out, remember you’re on a journey. Progress will come and importantly be prepared to learn and adapt as things are ever changing. And finally, always take comfort in knowing that you will earn great satisfaction from the work that you undertake."


What is your favourite whisky and why?

"Highland Park 18 years old has always been a firm favourite with its distinctive sweet peat character. My husband and I met and married at Glenturret and chose a secret dram to share on our wedding day during our vows and incredibly we both ended up choosing the same whisky for each other, it was such a memorable moment and one that I’ll always look back on fondly. I can’t, however, not also have a favourite Glenturret to mention. I adore our 12 years old, the balance of flavours for me celebrates those delightful toffee apple notes from our new make spirit with the balance of American and European oak influence perfectly."


Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

"I may not know exactly where my career will next take me however what I am confident of is staying in the whisky industry. The incredible people, fascinating heritage, and the extraordinary skills that are required to create a dram will forever hold a special place in my heart."

Read more about our Sustainability Strategy at: 

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